Karama recently closed the four-year long food security and women’s empowerment project that was funded by the European Union. Over the last four years, 220 women have successfully set up a greenhouse, supported their household food security, and found support in the weekly meetings and regular social events. It also supported six small businesses set up by women from the camp with skills development, workshops, grants and marketing support.

The last year has been particularly hard on the refugee camps, but still the green havens proved their sustainability and relevance to the women and their families. The greenhouse initiative now enters a new phase where Karama will plan more suitable activities for the project communities. Congrats to all the participants, staff and supporters! 🥰 💚🥰💚
To conclude this phase, Karama Organization also published its End Evaluation and COVID19 impact study, available here for all those interested.
The project website will remain active and you can read stories from our participants, see videos and more pictures from the greenhouses and activities here: www.karamagreenhouses.org