The many challenges of 2021 have only proven the need for ongoing resilience support for Palestinian refugees, as multiple factors contributed to the increased vulnerability of refugee communities such as economic challenges, covid-19 lockdowns and the already harsh situation of refugee families. The Palestinian society is marked by years of conflict, de-development and dependency on foreign aid. As well, many communities live in unsecure situations, where the Israeli military occupation limits movement and development. Adverse conditions are accentuated in the refugee camps, which were originally built as a temporary solution to the Palestinian refugee situation.
In Deheisheh Camp, with more than 15.000 inhabitants, the densely populated environment places strain on under-resourced schools, sanitation systems and health care providers, as well as the lack of empty spaces and over-crowdedness, which affects mental health and well-being.
With the help of its partners, Karama arranged for the distribution of over 2100 food and hygiene packages in the Bethlehem and Hebron area, and also seedlings to promote home production of high value crops.
We engaged 80 temporary workers in a Cash-for-Work program. The Cash-for-Work program offered workers a fair income while working on improving public spaces through cleaning, painting, and building.
We were also able to support 138 vulnerable households with cash distributions.
Karama Organization assisted with medical supplies where needed, including the fundraising for 5 mechanical oxygen concentrators.
“There is something comforting about work in the soil, and I have especially felt its calming impact during the confusing times of 2020.”
“I had two of the most successful seasons during COVID 19. I was very happy to stay connected with the engineer through continuous video calls, she guided me through the entire planting seasons. It is true that I did not sell harvest this year, but I planted a variety of crops… which I shared with my family and neighbors.”
“The outbreak of COVID 19 in Bethlehem was a really depressing time for my family. My children were affected from staying at home and not having much to do. Fighting was a daily thing, I started asking for their help in the greenhouse and around the house to give them some distraction, which they really enjoyed.”
During the closure, this means many of them lost their income for almost 90 days!
Received one-time cash transfers
For needy families; covering essential food items, such as rice, flour, chicken and milk.
With hand sanitizer, gloves, and disinfectant soap.
Employed in cash for work activities and earned a dignified month income while improving public areas.
Agricultural engineers and social workers were following up with them on the phone to succeed in the project and continue taking care of their gardens.